

A Real-World Joomla! Template


Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

 – Aesop


Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.

 - Ronald Reagan


The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor.

 - Hubert H. Humphrey


Did you ever think that making a speech on economics is a lot like pissing down your leg? It seems hot to you, but it never does to anyone else.

 - Lyndon B. Johnson

Alternative Financing Summary

Below is a summary of some of the options made available by working together. 

Some of these scenarios require a fairly equal division between those who have money and are willing to pay for a house, and those who don’t and are willing to work. Even if it is not an equal split this process will work as long as it is not too unbalanced - unless a community is very small. This process is really a program of giving in gift to those who are working, and their labor is given as volunteers to the community.

The community buildings such as schools also need to be built.  Someone who owns a share or owns land and has a home already built on that land, and is doing full-time construction on schools or other community buildings should make an arrangement for someone else to start cultivating their land.

Paying money to someone does help to form a cooperative community spirit - but not nearly as much as giving and accepting gifts does.  Such partnerships and exchange of gifts between people and families will help to form deep bonds. It is important for us to try to develop communities by using such methods of working cooperatively - understanding that old (city) habits die hard.

Anyone can help in building homes. This is not a typical construction team, but a community working together to help build each others homes whether by contributing materials or labor, as both are needed. There are many details required, such as food and housing for those working on a home. The first building to be constructed in a community can serve as a temporary residence for the team while other homes are built. Prior to that, mobile homes can serve as temporary quarters and cooking facilities.

As homes are built residents can move in. It is theoretically possible to do this without any mortgages, which is by far the most superior process. We have only to look to the Amish and similar communities for examples of various types.

Please see the chart below to get an idea of the possibilities.


It is impossible to show all the various options and arrangements that can be made. These are only a few examples.  The best examples come from cooperative and caring relationships that result in serving one another selflessly. 

Next - (Membership) Ownership Structures