

A Real-World Joomla! Template


I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals, as surely as the savage tribes have left off eating each other....

 - Henry David Thoreau


To a man whose mind is free there is something even more intolerable in the sufferings of animals than in the sufferings of man. For with the latter it is at least admitted that suffering is evil and that the man who causes it is a criminal. But thousands of animals are uselessly butchered every day without a shadow of remorse. If any man were to refer to it, he would be thought ridiculous. And that is the unpardonable crime.

 - Romain Rolland, author, Nobel Prize 1915

Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.

 - Hippocrates


 Community Development

 Alternative Economic Systems

 Intentional Communities

 Local Currencies

 Myths of Intentional Communities

 TimeBanks USA

 Rural Development Philanthropy Learning Network

 The Barter Directory

 Building Rural Livelihood

 ITEX Dollars - Online Cashless network

 Cohousing Association of the United States

 Ithaca Hours - local currency

 Habitat for Humanity


 Working Villages International

 Gardening and Farming


 Organic gardening

 Earthbag Construction

 Square Foot gardening

 Green Building

 Home Fruit Production in Texas

 Rammed Earth Solar Homes 

 Fruit Facts (California Rare Fruit Growers)

 Compressed Earth Blocks (CEB)

 Texas Crops (Texas A&M)

 Brick making

 The Sacred Cow

 Understanding Thermal Mass

 High Brix Gardening

 Sustainable Timber Use and Alternative Construction

 Brix Chart

 Sourcebook for Green & Sustainable Building

 High Brix Samples

 Shelter - A Personal Quest for Non-toxic Housing

 No-Mow Grass

 Mortarless Concrete Blocks & Rebar

 Natural Building Colloquium

 Energy & Energy Efficiency

 Eureka Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks

 Passive Solar Design

 Enertia Homes - No fuel, No power, No problem

 A Solar Power project

 Block Machines for Sale

 Solar Cookers

 Haener Block (Mortarless System)

 Solar Tours

 Green Roofs video

 Solar Hot Water, Heating & Cooling

 Wind Turbines

  Vegetarian Resources

 The Citizenre Corporation

 101 Reasons to Go Vegetarian

 Geothermal Power

 Why Vegetarian?

 Vegetarian Quotes


 More Vegetarian Quotes

 The Hydrologic Cycle

 Quotes by famous people

 Texas Aquifers

 The Worlds Problems on a Plate

 Aquatic Biologists

 Texas Cattlemen vs. Oprah Winfrey

 North American Lake Management Society

 Vegetarianism is the New Prius

 Greywater Recycling

 Vegetarian Vacations

 Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting

 Composting Toilets

 Self-Contained Composting Toilets

Permaculture and Sustainable Living

 Texas Water Law

 Ecological Footprinting

US Government Resources

 The Story of Stuff

 USDA Rural Cooperative Development Grant Program

 Sustainable Sources

 $1000 Grants in Dallas
 Vandana Shiva - Industrial Agriculture

 USDA Rural Development - Community Toolbox



 Life Running Out of Control

 Who Killed the Electric Car

 Ancient Futures - Learning from Ladakh 

 Criminalizing Natural Health

 The Future of Food

 Mercury, Autism, and the Global Vaccine Agenda

 White Mischief (A1 & A2 Milk)

 The Ascent of Money

 Food, Inc.

 The Secret of Oz

 Peak Oil: The End of Suburbia

 The Money Masters

 The World According to Monsanto

 The Ascent of Money

 David Versus Monsanto Money as Debt
 Poison on the Platter Money as Debt II

 Global Financial Meltdown via Argentine Eyes