

A Real-World Joomla! Template

"In Kali-yuga (the present age) … law and justice will be applied only on the basis of one's power. Men and women will live together merely because of superficial attraction, and success in business will depend on deceit. … Filling the belly will become the goal of life, and one who is audacious will be accepted as truthful. He who can maintain a family will be regarded as an expert man, and the principles of religion will be observed only for the sake of reputation. As the earth thus becomes crowded with a corrupt population, whoever among any of the social classes shows himself to be the strongest will gain political power. Losing their wives and properties to such avaricious and merciless rulers, who will behave no better than ordinary thieves, the citizens will flee to the mountains and forests. Harassed by famine and excessive taxes, people will resort to eating leaves, roots, flesh, wild honey, ... "  - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.2-10 (circa 3000 BC)

Ecovillage Development

We are working toward creating an Ecovillage in the North Texas area.

Some of our PowerPoint slide shows are here and here. (Sorry, is down, we will site them elsewhere.)

Every community and group of people is different. Like-minded people need to come together. That process should happen before buying land. 

Please read some of our website to learn more about our plans. 


Residential Requirements


1   Must be vegan or vegetarian. This means no meat, fish, poultry, eggs. 

  No intoxicants. This includes alcohol, cigarettes, illegal drugs, recreational drugs or other substances used for the purpose of getting a buzz, getting high, etc.

3   No gambling.  This refers to betting money or something of value - which is yet another activity that has destroyed some people's lives. Games without this type of betting are fine! 

4   Have existing stable relationships.  Joining a community does not solve our personal or emotional problems. It's meant for mature, healthy adults who know what they want in life.

5   Not have a personal agenda.  If you're super passionate about convincing everyone around you that _______ (fill in the blank) then you won't be a good match for our community.

  Be willing and able to work cooperatively with other people.  The application has a place for listing a few personal references. 

Be able and ready to grow a fair percentage of your food from the beginning. One of our goals is to grow 100% of our food, which will take years of gradual development. Applicants must have at least one person in their planned household with experience growing veggies, and who is prepared to continue growing. 

Those who understand something about sustainable lifestyles and Ecovillages will understand the reasons for all the above. 


*  Read this website

Read “Creating a Life Together” or “Finding Community” by Diana Leafe Christian - or any other comparable book on Intentional Community development. Her book "Finding Community" is for people seeking to join an existing community, while "Creating a Life Together" is for people who are forming an intentional community from the ground up. 

Learn the processes of consensus decision-making, and dynamic governance (aka sociocracy) and take a short workshop in the process of dynamic governance. Here are some links to get you started:

4-minute summary of the basic concepts

23-minute video on the concepts

Apply to become a member of the group. We will publish applications here on the home page when we're ready to start accepting new members. 

*  Agree to the community rules if you are accepted. 


Consider the alternative to all the above. Do you want to live in a community of people who

1  are killing animals in their yard
2  are regularly getting drunk or high and partying
3  are often trying to argue with you about something they believe in
4  have long histories of broken relationships
5  lost a fortune at Vegas and are asking you for money
6  can't get along with anybody else
7  can't consider what is best for the community? 

Birds of a feather flock together. 

In any community that has these standards, you can be assured that the other community members have similar goals, bring value to the table, have also been vetted, and can work and make decisions together. 



As of early 2023:

Our Texas cooperative association document is finalized, we will have 5 initial Directors of the Board. 

We are drafting the co-op Bylaws and will also be setting up a 501(c)(3). The Bylaws will take some time because there are a lot of details. 

Then will come finalizing the Member Applications, and the process for applying. 

We're also making a few videos to accompany this website to explain some of the concepts and plans. We'll also have zoom conference calls and meetings with new members when the time comes. 

Our educational courses are still temporarily suspended. The community garden in Dallas is still going, and plots can be paid for via our page in the
Education section. 

Please check back here for updates every month or so. 


There is a link at the bottom of each page that will take you to the next page.

You can also use the menu to select the pages you want. 

Next: Education: Gardening Classes